

Guggenheim Museum
Abandoibarra etorbidea, 2
Adults €13.00; students under 26: €7.50; children under 12: free
Tue-Sun, 10:00 to 20:00; Jul and Aug: Mon-Sun, 10:00 to 20:00. Closed Jan 1 and Dec 25

Frank Gehry's spectacular twisting titanium-clad modern art museum is perhaps the most celebrated building of the 1990s. The graceful, sensuous curves, evocative of the ships that used to be ubiquitous along the docks of Bilbao, are covered in titanium squares, which resemble the scales of a fish and shimmer in the sunlight. In keeping with the maritime theme, appropriate for the setting, the skylights of the largest gallery formerly known as the Fish gallery are designed to look like the fins of fish. Many parts of the building are purely decorative, and don't serve any purpose. The permanent collection is not particularly impressive, but the museum always hosts at least one interesting temporary exhibit, frequently comprised of masterpieces from the other Guggenheim collections.

Museo de Bellas Artes
Plaza del Museo, 2
General: €6.00; groups, students, senior citizens and unemployed: €4.50. Free of charge on Wed, and for children under 12. Artean Package, €13.50 (tickets for both the Guggenheim Museum and the Fine Arts Museum). Prices change for special exhibitions.
Tue-Sat, 10AM-8PM; Sun and public holidays 10AM-2PM; Mon: closed. 1 Jan and 25 December: closed

The Museum of Fine Art's remarkable collection currently boasts more than six thousand works dating from the 12th century to the present day, and includes paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings and decorative objects.

Basque Museum
Plaza Unamuno, 4
Adults: €3; students and groups €1.50. Children under 10 and seniors: free. Thu: free
Tue-Sat: 11AM-5PM, Sun 11AM-2PM. Mondays and public holidays: closed

Established in 1921 to focus on the prehistory, archaeology, ethnography and history of Euskadi Basque homeland. Not a particularly well laid out museum. It will be of passing interest to people who study Basque culture.

other places of interest
A flower puppy

Just in the front of the Guggenheim Museum, created by Jeff Koons, it's one of the most famous symbols of modern Bilbao